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IRS New Compliance Campaign Targeting Nonresident Aliens with Real Property Located in the U.S.

IRS Sets Its Sights on Nonresident Aliens With U.S. Rental Property  A non-resident alien is someone who is not a US Citizen, does not hold a Green Card and has not spent enough time in the US to meet the ...

Extended State Income Tax Return Deadlines for 2021

Earlier this month the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced that they are extending the tax filing deadline to May 17. For Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas taxpayers the deadline was extended to June 15 due to the Februar...

IRS Postpones Tax Filing and Payment Deadline to May 17

The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service will extend the tax filing deadline for individuals from April 15, 2021, to May 17, 2021, as a result of the pandemic, the agencies announced this Wednesday. "This continues to be a tough time for many people, and the IRS wants to continue to do ...

IRS Provides American Rescue Plan Guidance: Do Not File Amended Returns

The IRS is reviewing implementation plans for the newly enacted American Rescue Plan Act. Additional information about the new round of economic impact payments, expanded child tax credit, including advance payments and other tax provi...

American Rescue Plan Act of 2021

The House of Representatives & Senate have approved the $1.9 trillion COVID relief plan (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021). President Biden is expected to sign the legislation this week. Key Provisions An additional $300 billion in weekly jobless benefits through September 2021. Rental assistanc...

The IRS Extends Tax Deadline for Victims of Texas Winter Storms

The IRS extended tax deadlines for all Texas residents and businesses from April 15 to June 15 because of the winter storms and the damages they brought.  According to the recent disaster declaration issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the IRS is providing this relief not only to the disaster victims but also to the ...